Iowa DOT recently released the final report from its study to develop an Iowa Statewide Freight Network Optimization Strategy.
Quetica adapted private-sector supply chain optimization modeling to create a tool for the Iowa Department of Transportation and Iowa Economic Development Authority to examine optimization strategies on multimodal freight networks in Iowa. The project relied heavily on the integration of public and private sector freight data. The data was integrated into a computer simulation model, developed to represent current and forecasted demand, transportation and inventory capacity, and quantitative performance measurements. Demand, capacity, forecast, and performance data were collected, cleansed, analyzed, and aggregated into the Iowa Freight Optimization Model (iFROM).
The modeling analysis resulted in recommended changes to address public and private infrastructure constraints (e.g. freight consolidation location, addition of rail and barge access, intermodal facility, etc.) across all modes, in order to lower the total cost of transportation for producers, as well as reduce truck miles on Iowa roads. iFROM was also used to conduct resiliency analysis to test what-if scenarios regarding the impacts on supply chains from the loss of critical infrastructure. The project provides the Iowa DOT a tool they can use to proactively identify and prioritize efficient public and private investment opportunities, while seeking to further optimize the transport and logistics capabilities of the state.
To learn more, please download a copy of the report.