City of Eden Prairie City Center 2020 Chiller Replacement Project
This Mechanical-Electrical-Plumbing (MEP) project included the replacement of the City of Eden Prairie – City Center chilled water system air-cooled chiller. The City Center HVAC systems consist of multiple air handing units and heat pumps, the chiller and chilled water system provides cooling for the air handling units at the City Center various departments housed within this facility. The project included evaluation and recommendations regarding the chiller and the chilled water piping and pumps, chemical treatment system, and controls. A site survey of the chilled water systems was performed with recommendations regarding upgrades and replacement based on energy efficiency, useful remaining life (URL), and compliance with the current codes and standards. Due to the multiple additions and modifications to the facility since the original design and construction, site verification of the existing chilled water system components was required. The design included careful coordination and site verification with other existing equipment and utilities at the general location of the chiller. The project included preparation of a preliminary design and equipment selection, preparation of construction documents (plans and specifications) for public bidding, preparation of the preliminary construction schedule, pre-bid meeting, bid review and recommendation, shop drawing review and approval, and limited construction management.