City of Eden Prairie – Den Road Building Roof/HVAC Replacement
Quetica’s engineering group has been serving as the City of Eden Prairie’s Facilities Maintenance Consultant for the past 15 years. We routinely lead design projects for the City that range from roofing projects, exterior façade building maintenance, and cooling tower replacements to annual facility upgrade and repair projects for all aspects of their facilities.
The Den Road roof replacement project included a roof replacement, EIFS exterior wall modifications, and replacement of roof mounted HVAC systems. This Roof Replacement project included roof replacement, roof flashing interface with the existing Exterior Insulation Finish System (EIFS) flashing on adjacent walls, replacement of roof mounted HVAC systems, modifications to the roof curbs / supports for the mechanical systems due to increased roof insulation thickness, modifications to mechanical piping (natural gas) and electrical conduits, replacement of existing roof drains, and improvements to the overflow scuppers. The scope of work included replacement of the existing EPDM loose laid ballasted roofing system with a new EPDM loose laid ballasted roofing system. The work scope also included the removal existing EIFS on the adjacent walls for integration of the roof flashing with the wall flashing. The work also included replacement of six (6) rooftop handling units and replacement of two (2) air cooled condensing units.
Role: Denny Langer, PE served as Project Manager and Engineer.