Decatur Urbanized Area Transportation Study (DUATS) Model Update
Decatur, in Central Illinois, is a major hub for manufacturing, biotechnology, agri-business, and logistics. In 2018, the City of Decatur contracted with Quetica to develop a network optimization model to identify opportunities to reduce costs in the region and support strategic investments in Decatur’s regional transportation system. The tool will also be used to expand economic development opportunities in the region.
Several of the optimization scenarios identified by the project steering committee, sought to examine several proposed highway projects in the DUATS MPO planning region, including a proposed ring route by-pass on the east side of the city. To develop the Decatur regional highway network optimization scenarios, it was determined that local freight flows and truck traffic at a very high-level of detail would be required. The DUATS regional travel demand model contains 573 Travel Analysis Zones (TAZ) for Macon County. To proceed with the by-pass route scenario analysis, it was determined that a TAZ level of travel demand detail would be required. To increase the overall accuracy and validity of the scenario development, a proposal was presented to Decatur City staff and DUATs staff to update the baseline data in the DUATs travel demand model, with the work to be completed by Quetica and KOA Corp.
The DUATS model update enhanced the base network representing travel conditions for a 2015 base year and updated the socio-economic and forecast data in the model. Socioeconomic and development data for the DUATS planning area was reviewed and verified through a facilitated workshop with regional civic leaders and planners. Enhancements to the DUATS model were made to augment its capabilities to support the broader demand-based supply chain network optimization project and support the development of the next DUATS long-range transportation plan.